Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Years Resolution|| 2015

Its that time of year again where we document our bucket list for yet another year.  My new year resolution won't be a list of things I want to accomplish.  This year I want to reflect, I want to remember why I began this journey. Sometimes I feel I lose sight of why I work so hard and why I am so driven to be the women I dreamed about.  God blessed be tremendously this year (2014).  So much has changed! My entire thought process is different. When I look around everything about me is different. I look in the mirror and I see growth; maturity. (it never looked so damn good). Lets take a look back on the year I had.
       My year began in bed I was laying in the dark and looking at my phone depressed.  I didn't understand why at the age of 21 I was laying in my bed miserable watching my phone count down to midnight.  I looked on my instagram account and got even more depressed watching my followers have the time of their lives.  In that very moment I made a promise to myself this won't happen next year! I was so determined to change my life completely. The biggest change I wanted to make was to gain my independence completely. No more depending on Mommy and Daddy.  I wanted my freedom and I wanted to start making decisions to revolve around me.  Furthermore, I needed to lose weight.  I was so determined I tried everything within the last 3 years but my previous weight loss achievements never remained permanent.  February 23, 2014 I had weight loss surgery. July 25, 2014 I moved into a small cozy apartment. I have the BEST roommate ever! However, the biggest down fall of the year was not being in school. In the new year I want to change that. This new year I truly want to put all of my focus on school.  Sure there are other things I would like to do put 2015 my biggest focus will be school. I hope you join me on this journey. May you're New Year be filled with many blessings.       

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